Goodbye Kit-Kat – 2000-2019

2000 – 2019

This has been a tough year. We had to say goodbye to our sweet boy on Sunday, 11/10/2019. Needless to say I am heartbroken and shedding tears even as I compose this post. Kit-Kat was a member of our family for nearly nineteen years. We adopted him from a shelter when he was three months old. Last week he became quite ill and began rapidly declining four days before we made the tough decision to say goodbye. He was put to rest at home, the last gift we could give him.

I know we were blessed to have had him for so long, and I am truly grateful for that. We thought we might lose him a time or two before this, but he always pulled through. That was the fighter in him—he never gave up. I often teased him about his incredible determination. He was my buddy and constant companion. I talked to him, hugged, kissed and loved on him each and every day. He tolerated me during those tender moments, being a cat, and I will continue to miss him terribly.

Thank you, Kitty-baby, for bringing joy and happiness to our lives for so many years. We sure did love you!!

Here’s a glimpse into Kit-Kat’s life with us…

Thank you for reading. ❤️

36 thoughts on “Goodbye Kit-Kat – 2000-2019

  1. Oh Laurie, I am so sorry to hear about your beloved KitKat. It doesn’t matter how long we have them, when it is time to say good-bye, it is awful. When I said good-bye to my Bigg last year, I was devastated. I love the pictures you shared of your fur-baby, you can tell he was a happy baby, which means you were an amazing fur-mama. Big hugs and lots of love sent to you.

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    • Thank you so much Carla. There hasn’t been a day since he died that I haven’t cried. 😥I miss him so much!! I knew he couldn’t live forever, but it’s just so hard to say goodbye. I know you understand.
      Your kind words are so very appreciated. Thank you. ❤️

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  2. Aww, Laurie, I am so sorry to hear about your beloved Kit-Kat. You’ve mentioned him to me many times in our chats, and gosh knows I love a sweet orange boy and had one for my soulmate kitty for sixteen years. I know you know I lost my two fur babies in 2018. I’ve been thinking a lot about little Coley because it’s approaching Christmas and we lost her early Christmas morning almost one year ago. Anyway, my heart aches for you now. Thinking of you and sending love and hugs. ♥️ You wil be grateful you did this beautiful post in tribute to him, your forever friend.

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    • Oh, Jennifer. Thank you so much for your sincere words. ❤️ You’re so kind. I know you can empathize with us regarding this. It’s hard. But I keep telling myself how fortunate we were to have him for so long. Placating myself this way helps me to cope.
      I’m sorry about your losses too. It hasn’t been that long for you. I know it gets easier with time, and I’ll be glad when I won’t cry every single day.
      Jennifer, you’re such a thoughtful, beautiful person. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I appreciate you so much. 💕🤗❤️

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  3. I am terribly sorry for your loss. 😢 It must have been so hard and my heart and my prayers are out for the repose of his soul.
    Although he is gone, I am sure he is appreciative and lived his life to the fullest and now watching down on you wishing your happiness from over the rainbow.
    Big hug, Laurie💖


    • Hi, Noriko. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. ❤️
      Kit-Kat had a very good, safe, quiet life. He was very content, and we feel happy that he was comfortable with us for so many years. Even though he’s gone, we have so many beautiful memories to cherish.
      Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate it so much. 💕

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  4. What a loving tribute to Kit-Kat, mom. I miss him terribly as well- it’s amazing how much he was apart of our family. I’m so happy that we have sooo many pictures of him. Thanks for posting this.

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    • Yes…he was a huge part of our lives, Steph. We will all miss him so much. Since I couldn’t resist taking pictures of him on a regular basis, every time I open the photos app on my phone it’s a constant reminder that he’s gone. But I’ll get to smile at seeing him so much.
      Thanks to you and dad for always helping out with kitty and loving him as much as I did. I’m so glad I have you two, and so many loving others, to lean on. ❤️


  5. I’m so sorry Laurie. I was hoping he would pull through. Thank you for sharing these beautiful pics. Although my interactions with Kit Kat were brief, I will always remember his calm disposition. I’m here for you if you need anything. 😘

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    • Hi, Heather. Thank you for stopping by. 🤗
      We were hoping he would pull through too, but I guess that was his ninth life. A few times before when his health took a turn we thought it was the end, and he’d surprise us and come around. His age just caught up to him I guess. He was very old as you know.
      Thank you for your continued support. You’ve been such a truly wonderful friend, and I love you for it. 💕❤️


  6. Oh Laurie I’m so so sorry……..he was truly blessed to have you in his life for 19 years. We only lost our beloved Morgan a month ago so my heart is breaking for you as you grieve. Big hugs my friend and lots of love💜💜

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    • Oh, Susan. I’m so sorry. I know you can empathize with me. They become such a subliminal part of your everyday life that when they’re gone you realize just how much you took for granted that they would be there. Now that Kit-Kat is gone I see how much I depended on his quiet companionship. I will miss hugging and kissing him up, and even his driving me nuts sometimes. It’s so hard to say goodbye after such a long time together.
      You’re always such a darling. Thank you for your loving words. I hope you are healing from the loss of your sweet Morgan. 🤗💕❤️

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  7. Laurie, I’m so sorry to hear about Kit Kat. What beautiful pictures you’ve shared. Our animals are family and this has to be so hard. I hope you’re doing okay, friend. Have you in my thoughts. ♥️ Hugs

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    • Thank you so much, Mischenko. You don’t know how much your kind words mean to me. Kit-Kat was definitely family. He was a constant fixture in our home and his absence is terribly difficult to bear right now. I know the pain will ease up as time goes on, but right now I feel as though I might become dehydrated from shedding so many tears.
      Thank you again for your warm, kind words. I appreciate it so much. 💕

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  8. I’m so sorry. Big hugs. That’s an awful feeling, but you know how much you shared together. When I lost my pup last year, it took so long to even feel normal again, but it does happen enough to think about them without being sad. Thank you for sharing beautiful pictures of your life together.

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    • Thank you so much Jay!! You might not believe this, but as we were going through this I was thinking about you, remembering when your beloved dog died so suddenly. I remember the beautiful post you shared with us and I was so very sad for you during that time. I remember telling you about my beloved German Shepherd that’d died decades earlier. Now it’s my turn yet again. As I was composing this post and looking back on the tons of pictures I took of our Kit-Kat the tears wouldn’t stop flowing.
      Yes…this has been one tough year. Challenge after harrowing challenge. But I’m going to think of Kit-Kat’s tenacious spirit and be determined to keep going myself, whatever happens.
      Thank you so much for your kind expression.

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      • You’re so welcome. I’m here for you if you need to chat. I believe you too…. it’s great how we build these connections with one another. I just read a book about pet loss too… I’m so sorry for all the challenges. Maybe it will prepare you for a wonderful 2020. Big hugs. 🙂

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        • Aww….you are so sweet, Jay. I really did think of you first because I remembered your sorrow and that tribute you shared with us months back. Has it been a year yet? This year feels like one excruciatingly long day and I can’t seem to distinguish time lately. 🤦🏽‍♀️
          Your words are so thoughtful and kind. Always!! Thank you so much. I am truly hoping 2020 will be much better. 🤗

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          • 😳… Goes to show how my life has been since time has flown by. I remember exactly what I was doing the day we found out about what happened to your pup because I was telling my husband about it. We were out and about and my heart was breaking for you and I was telling him about what happened and about how hard it was when we lost our dog, April. (This was before I was even married, but I remember that day too like it was yesterday because it was so devastating. My husband has heard the story a dozen times before, but I always feel the urge to retell it whenever the subject comes up.)

            How is Baxter? Still rambunctious? I’ve been away from WP for a while because of all the goings on, and I’m so anxious to get back to my favorite readers, writers and reviewers. 😉

            Let’s believe 2020 will be, together, Jay. 😊

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          • I’m glad we all have one another here. I’m sure your husband is always glad to support you too. 🙂

            Yay to 2020.

            Baxter is still good. Rambunctious and mischievous. I don’t think he’ll grow out of it. It’s his personality.

            I know about WP. I hardly read much here either… can’t do everything, so it’s hit and miss sometimes. I try to catch up when I can tho.

            Thank you for checking in. Hugs!

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